Thursday, April 24, 2008

What smell is Africa?

So CNN international was constantly on at the last place I stayed. One night they had a feature on Africa and were asking famous Africans what "smell is 'Africa'" (did you know Colin Firth aka Mr. Darcy was born in Nigeria?).

A lot of people said the smell of leaves after the rain. Some said sweat. So I am asking you. You Africa travelers from the West, North, East, and South [and I can think of at least one person reading this who has lived or traveled in each area - more for West of course ;)]. I am asking you - "What smell is 'Africa' for you?"

I haven't been here through a rainy season - so for me, it is smoke. I smell smoke everywhere and everyday. Most Malawians use small fires to cook their meals. Whether it is the wood sticks lighting the street food stalks in the markets, the charcoal heating the water at the lodge, or the leaves and grass that are burning along the roads and in the hills, smoke for me is Africa.


Phil said...

I call that smell the cat box.

Phil said...

Sorry i didn't mean to imply Africa smells like cat box I was talking about the furry felines I live with in Virgina. So my apologies to all of Kate's loyal readers.

Kash said...

Hmmm...that's a good question. And I know what you mean about the smoke. I can't think of anything at the top of my head that smells like Africa. But as I was walking out of a building last Saturday I was hit with vivid feeling of Africa that came with that first jold of intense sun. The sun was so bright and hot that day that I was momentarily transported back to Senegal....since it was like that everyday.

What an incredible experience. Kudos to you!